The Mako System is the newly installed technology at the Nuffield Health Wessex Hospital which will have a big impact on the way hip replacements are done. I regularly use the Mako and am very happy with the results to date.
The Mako Robotic-Arm assisted technology is ground-breaking . A pre-operative CT scan is used to map the coordinates of your hip joint which are then uploaded into the Mako System. The robot helps the surgeon to place the hip replacement components into their planned positions. This approach helps us to provide you with a bespoke solution for your particualr hip problem, which should reduce the risks of complications such as dislocation and long-term wear.
The Mako Robot is part of a technological revolution in hip surgery. We hope that it will increase both the efficiency and success rates in hip surgery. Whilst the re is no substitute for experience, the Mako System helps surgeons to deliver precise and even more accurate surgery.
Technological advances in our everyday life and more specifically the healthcare sector continue to grow. Jeremy Latham is very excited to be part of this exciting development in hip surgery. See our contact details below to find out how you can benefit from the Mako Robot today.